Book a session!


"Preventative Care"

I will take care of your bodily "Aches" and help you check the status of your body.

Please fill in the Contact form for the next availability
*Introductory sessions will be
90 minutes


This is a service to improve the condition of your body. We take a scientific approach to unlock your body's movement with our 75-minute in-home Body Conditioning service, crafted for your body. We use techniques to facilitate dormant muscles to balance your structure and posture, creating space for joints to move. We bring the rejuvenation of a professional Body Conditioning session to the comfort of your home, providing a convenient and personalized wellness journey.

Your Session Includes:

  • A Postural Analysis to better understand your body.

  • A 75-minute one-on-one body conditioning session with me.

  • Guidance on maintaining and enhancing results, including personalized tips for daily exercises.

  • Comfortable, non-intrusive setup in your chosen space at home.



An Asymmetric Approach

While we may strive for symmetry in many aspects of our lives, our bodies tell a story of inherent asymmetry. Humans are made asymmetric and the understanding of asymmetry has led to my current approach towards BodyWork.

Our initial session will focus on understanding your asymmetry. If you can cross your legs on one foot, why can't some of us cross our legs on the other?

We each have our own asymmetries that lead to compensation shown in the body, which can be a predictor for future injury.

brown and black clipboard with white spinal cord print manual
brown and black clipboard with white spinal cord print manual

Postural analysis

Understanding your body

Understanding your body and posture is paramount for health because it directly influences how you move and function daily. Knowing your posture will help you move better and be aware of your compensations.

The initial session will include a postural analysis to teach you what is going on in your body.

Theoretical Framework

Understanding Innate Physiological Human Asymmetry---- We are not symmetrical

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.



Who Can Benefit

  • People experiencing age-related stiffness or wanting to maintain an active lifestyle.

  • Individuals seeking to improve mobility and reduce muscle tightness.

  • Those recovering from muscle soreness or seeking injury prevention.

  • Anyone looking to enhance work-life performance and understand their body asymmetries or tendencies.

Where will the sessions be held?

Sessions will be held at the convenience of your home. We will arrive at the provided address with a Massage table. Central Park, rental spaces can also be utilized.

How do I prepare for a session?

Comfortable sportswear or clothing that facilitates ease of movement is recommended. Please keep a space for us to set up our massage table.

How do I book an appointment?

Appointments can be booked online through our website, by calling our number, or by contacting us through the form. We recommend booking in advance with the contact form to resolve any questions or concerns.

Can I book a session for someone else?

Of Course! Please contact us through the contact form or email us at


Please fill out the form below for any further questions or to book your appointment.

For any specific needs or requests, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to ensure your experience is the best as possible!